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point guard one markets international services. Like a skilled playmaker directs the flow of a basketball game, point guard one is characterized by the seamless marketing of third-party services on an international level.


Are you looking to penetrate markets with your services but lack the capacity or resources to ensure successful market penetration?

point guard one offers prompt, reliable, and expert support in service sales. We employ a lean methodology and the latest technologies to quickly and efficiently meet your requirements while ensuring affordability.

Your benefits:

  • You collaborate with experienced sales specialists.

  • Performance-based billing.

  • You incur no fixed costs, personnel expenses, or other risks associated with internal sales.

Dunk with us



You hand over the entire process of selling your services to us in return for a negotiated commission. point guard one works independently on the defined market and assumes communication and responsibility towards the customer.




Work with the most talented salespeople. We recruit suitable sales teams and take care of their induction, training and management on your behalf. You can also run the staff through our payroll.






You hand over the entire process of selling your services to us in return for a negotiated commission. point guard one works independently on the defined market and assumes communication and responsibility towards the customer.

Design the ideal pricing structure for your services. We support you in evaluating value-based pricing with market tests and market analyses. 







Know your local competitors. We support you in obtaining information about your competitors. Such as market positioning, strategy, resources, pricing, etc.


Competition information

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